ABC Glossary - All Categories

Below you will find a searchable glossary of ABC terms and definitions.
Term Definition
Term Definition
ABA American Baptist Assembly (aka: Green Lake Conference Center)
ABBEP American Baptist Board of Education & Publication (BEM, EM)
ABCC American Baptist Computer Center
ABCIS American Baptist Churches Information Systems
ABCOSH American Baptist Congregations of the Southwest and Hawaii
ABCUSA American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A.
ABEC The American Baptist Extension Corporation
ABF American Baptist Foundation
ABFMS American Baptist Foreign Mission Society (BIM)
ABHCM American Baptist Homes & Caring Ministries
ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Society, (BNM)
ABHS American Baptist Historical Society
ABM American Baptist Men
ABMC American Baptist Ministers Council
ABMS American Baptist Mission Support
ABNS American Baptist News Service
ABPS American Baptist Personnel Services
ABWIM American Baptist Women In Ministry
ABWM American Baptist Women's Ministries
AFC America For Christ (BNM/Regions)
AMO Associated Ministry Organization
BEM Board of Educational Ministries
BGM Board of General Ministries
BGMEC Board of General Ministries Executive Committee
BIM Board of International Ministries
BNM Board of National Ministries
BPF Baptist Peace Fellowship
BRC Budget Review Committee
BRO Budget Review Officer, ABC
BWA Baptist World Alliance
CPS Congregational Profile System (See ABCIS)
EM Educational Ministries
GB General Board
GBEC General Board Executive Committee
GEC General Executive Council (now the NLC)
GECEC General Executive Council Executive Committee
GLCC Green Lake Conference Center (aka: ABA)
IM International Ministries ABC
JP Judson Press
MC Ministers Council
MLC Ministerial Leadership Commission
MMBB Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board
MRC Multi-Region Corporation
MRD Mission Resource Development
MVP Mission, Vision, Planning Task Force
NAS Name and Address System
NEC National Executive Council
NLC National Leadership Council
NM National Ministries
OGHS One Great Hour of Sharing
OGS Office of the General Secretary
OTCP Office of Travel and Conference Planning
PCL Professional Church Leadership
REMC Regional Executive Ministers Council
RMMO Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering
TIM Together in Ministry
UM United Mission
WABHMS Woman’s American Baptist Home Mission Society
WCC World Council of Churches
WIM Women in Ministry
WMO World Mission Offering
WMS World Mission Support
WRC World Relief Committee
ABCCR American Baptist Churches of the Central Region – AR, KS, OK
ABCMC American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago
ABCCPC American Baptist Churches of the Central Pacific Coast
ABCDAKOTAS American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas – ND, SD
ABCGRR American Baptist Churches of the Great Rivers Region – IL, MO
ABCGI American Baptist Churches of Greater Indianapolis
ABC IN/KY American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky – IN, KY
ABCMNY American Baptist Churches of Metro New York
ABCMI American Baptist Churches of Michigan
ABCNE American Baptist Churches of Nebraska
ABCNJ American Baptist Churches of New Jersey
ABCNW Mission Northwest – ID, MT, UT, WA
ABCNYS American Baptist Churches of New York State
ABCOFLASH American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles, Southwest and Hawaii – AZ, So CA, HI, So NV
ABCOH American Baptist Churches of Ohio
ABCOM American Baptist Churches of Maine
ABCONN American Baptist Churches of Connecticut
ABCOPAD American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware – PA, DE
ABCORI American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island
ABCOTS American Baptist Churches of the South – AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA
ABCPR Iglesias Bautistas de Puerto Rico
ABCRM American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains – CO, NM, eastern UT, WY
ABCRGR American Baptist Churches of the Rochester/Genesee Region
ABCVNH American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire – VT, NH
ABCWI American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin
CBA Cleveland Baptist Association
DCBC District of Columbia Baptist Convention
EBA Evergreen Association of American Baptist Churches
GHC Growing Healthy Churches Inc., ABC/West – No CA, No NV
MIDABC Mid-American Baptist Churches – IA, MN
PBA Philadelphia Baptist Association
TABCOM American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts
WVBC West Virginia Baptist Convention
AGI Adjusted Gross Income
DAF Donor Advised Fund
CGA Charitable Gift Annuity
CLAT Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
CLUT Charitable Lead Unitrust
CRAT Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
CRUT Charitable Remainder Unitrust
501(c)(3) IRS designation for public serving nonprofit organizations exempt from income tax and eligible to receive tax-deductible gifts
501(c)(4) IRS designation for advocacy organizations
990 Form used by the IRS for annual reporting by nonprofit organizations
EIN Employer Identification Number
FMV Fair Market Value
CPI Consumer Price Index
FAS Financial Accounting Standard
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board—sets the rules for nonprofit accounting
IRA Individual Retirement Account
IRC Internal Revenue Code—code used by the IRS; also International Red Cross
IRS Internal Revenue Service
NCPG National Committee on Planned Giving
NPO Nonprofit organization
PGDC Planned Giving Design Center
RFP Request for proposals—an announcement of grant fund availability
UMIFA Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act
UPMIFA Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act